City of Fairytales Travel Tickets

Date: Fall 2018

Production Technique: RICOH 7110SX Digital Press, Illustrator

Description: Once we had returned from our month long travel study in Europe, we were tasked to put together a gallery show showcasing our experience. We, the designers, were partnered with a non-design major and had to work together to create a piece of work or series of works that represented our time abroad. We wanted to create entrance tickets that would show the most iconic spot within each city we visited and personalize it to each country. We also made miniature versions, that viewers could take; on the back of each ticket they had small textual blurbs that my partner and I had written about what that specific place meant to us, as well as a small historical description of each place.

I created vector images of those iconic spots and designed each ticket around specific colors we associated with each place. These large tickets were mounted on foam core and placed on the wall for the show. A small pedestal next to the display held the individual, smaller tickets with a vinyl caption encouraging people to take one. Those smaller tickets are shown in the thumbnail of this page.


Valentine's Day Card


Dada Zine