Career Readiness Film Series 2020

Client: Winona State University’s Film Department

Date: October - November 2019

Production Technique: Ricoh 7110SX Digital Press, Illustrator, InDesign, Clear 5th Channel Toner

Description: This project was proposed during the Campaign and Systems Design course in Fall of 2019, by Winona State’s Film Department. They were needing individual posters and series poster for movies being shown on campus, that related back to the University’s theme of Career Readiness. Which is where the color scheme and pattern are coming from. There were ten individual movies, with posters put out in two installments.

I wanted to utilize my illustration skills, so I took an iconic image from each film and turned it into a vector image. The background of each poster correlates to the Career Readiness logo, along with that I wanted to add some dimension to each poster so I added 5th channel clear toner in a pattern with each movie’s title.

The highlight of this campaign was the series poster, which was created to fold and actually stand out from the bulletin board. Winona State, and I’m sure majority of other college campuses, is notorious for having an abundance of posters covering the bulletin boards. I wanted to come up with a solution that forces people to place their posters around this one, it cannot be covered up. It was also designed so that from each side, something different was shown, one side are the individual illustrations and the other was the information for where and when the movies are showing. This solution has never been seen before on the WSU Campus, which was incredibly eye catching and dynamic.

5th Channel Clear Toner

5th Channel Clear Toner


I-Design Course Guide

